Dear Reader

Why do people start blogs anyway? I used to wonder. . as I read and read the thoughts of people much wiser than I am. Moms, pastors, missionaries, cooks, stylists.. . I could go on. I grace the pages of many a unique and gifted person. Is it because they simply want to voice their own opinions? Well I’m sure that is some motivation, but then there are the others. . .you know the ones, those sweet words that you read. . . and with a slight smile and a relieved sigh you think, “solidarity sister” or “did you really just confess that?” or my favorite, “So I’m not the only crazy around here?” or the wonderfully refreshing “You are so right, the Lord really is that good”. Those are the ones I cling to in this, young wife mother of small little ones twentysomething year old, season of life that I am barely surviving in most days. This is the type of place I want to create. A place where someone can sit and laugh or take a deep breath and just be ok with where they are. . . or simply be encouraged to press on and keep doing the next thing.

I am not wise and to tell you the truth, I listen and glean from all the people around me that I feel are doing WAY better than me at life.  So, dear reader, I have no idea who you are and will never promise to impress you with wit or lavish upon you good words or good grammar, 🙂 but I will promise one thing. . messy life lived truthfully and (most days) joyfully. . .  an imperfect life but a life that is learning to be steeped in the promises of a God that is much mightier and much holier than I. My heart bursts most days, for the good or bad, it is bursting. . so I needed somewhere for all that wonderful shrapnel and lessons to land. So here it is. I hope it will encourage you most days and leave you filled with such hope in Christ always. In a world where there are so many words already. . . what are just a few more, right? So, welcome, reader, to the pender place.


2 thoughts on “Dear Reader

    1. 🙂 Beverly, I have to say that you are one of those people that the Lord so graciously surrounds me with! Thanks for being such a great example of a Mom and woman who love the Lord! I have so much to learn from you. 🙂


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