Treasuring the Ordinary

Yesterday was a perfectly ordinary day.

Laughing about pronunciations.

Discussing Volcanoes and Mayans.

Tracing maps.Giggling at Dobro Turtlebane

and his feechie catfish antics.

Learning that God has equipped the insect

with eyes that can break them free from cocoons.

Encouraging the oldest in her writing abliities

as we both know we have a lot to learn.

Finishing Exodus and the intricate obedience

of God’s people in their building and sewing.

Sitting, all three of us around the table.

Laughing, Discussing, Tracing, Giggling, Learning, Encouraging, Sitting, Finishing.


Treasuring is what I most find myself doing.

Treasuring all the ordinary days together during all this imperfect homeschooling.

“Like oiled diamonds falling through my hands”. I can only grasp a few for so long, so I try to treasure the ones I am able to catch.

Catching, Grasping and Treasuring.
